Important Dates


Book Parade and Fair

Friday 24th August, 2012.
Come one, come all... it's time for the Mount Annan Annual Book Parade!
It will be held in the Church on Friday 24th August.
We will head over after recess (around 10:50am)  and parents and friends are very welcome to attend (and even dress up!).
If you would like to help your child, you are welcome to come at 10.25am (Recess) to help dress them.

After the book parade we will be having a sausage sizzle lunch which is a fundraiser for our Home Reading Program. Sausages can be pre ordered. (Note to follow). During this time students and parents can purchase a range of books and other items at the Scholastic Book Fair in the Library.

We can't wait to see you there.

1/2 DW Class Item!!

Week 10 - Thursday 28th June at 2pm
1/2DW will be performing the class item at assembly. We are excited and hope our mum's, dad's, grandparents and/or other family members can make it. If you can't make it, don't worry, we will be videoing our spectacular performance for you to see later!

Parent/Teacher Interview Night

Tuesday 26th June
From 3.15-8pm in our classroom.
Ring the top office to book an appointment.

Thursday 17th May
Thursday 24th May
Each student has a note stating which day they will be attending.

Tuesday 3rd April
From 3.15-7.30 in our classroom.
Ring the top office to book an appointment.

Parent/Teacher Interview Night

Tuesday 3rd April
From 3.15-7.30 in our classroom.
Ring the top office to book an appointment.

Easter Hat Parade

Thursday 5th April

11.15- Easter Hat Parade in JS Quad

12.25pm- Picnic Lunch with Families
(Sausage Sizzle to raise funds for Good Fit books. Canteen will be open.)

1.25pm- Classroom Easter Craft Activities
(Parents welcome to come into classrooms.)


  1. holl 1/2DW my favourite thing was drowing the bus. by katarina

  2. to 1/2DW
    I am so excited that the book parade is coming up!!
    by Sienna
