Students of the Week Semester 1

Term 2
Week 10
Vishal- You have such a caring attitude towards others. Thank you.
Maxwell- Great work in Science this week. You have a good understanding of how levers work.

Week 9
Mikinley - Thank you for all the effort you have put into preparing for our item this week. You are so enthusiastic and willing to challenge yourself and try new things.
Emily T - You have demonstrated such kindness and beautiful manners this week. It has made us smile and we are very proud of you.

Jye- Well done on some fantastic investigation in Science today. You did a great job finding out how magnets work.
Shayden- Well done on being patient in Science today. You were a great group member and Mrs Leake and I were proud of how you shared and waited for your turn.
Katarina- You are so helpful around the classroom and we love how much you help your fellow classmates. Thank you for caring for others. 1/2DW is blessed to have you as part of our class.

Week 7
Keeley - You are doing fantastic work in all that you do. We are so impressed with your dedication and enthusiasm.
Ariana - You have been so helpful and considerate in the classroom. Thank you for being such a kind and caring friend.
Nathanael - Your love of learning and willingness to try new challenges is amazing. Thank you for putting so much effort into all of your work.

Week 6
Eliza- Well done on trying so hard in reading. We love the way you are getting your mouth ready and using the pictures to help you read.
Logan- Wow, what a superstar! You have come a long way in your writing and we are so proud of you.
Harrison- You are using some great strategies in reading and we love how hard you have been trying to make sure your work is getting neater. Great job!

Week 5
Sian- You are trying so hard in reading and writing. Well done!
Charlotte- Wow, what a little Maths superstar you have been this week. Keep it up!
Sienna- Your attitude to your school work is fantastic. You always try your best and love learning new things. Well done.

Week 4
Mohit- Well done on asking some amazing questions during our excursion. You were listening so well and asking and answering some really tricky questions.
Joshua- You are trying so hard in all class activities. Your joy and enthusiasm for learning is fantastic. Well done.

 Week 3
Kaitlyn - You apply yourself so well to everything you do. We love having you in our class and can see how much effort you put into your work and to listening to others.
Kieran - Fantastic work in Visual Arts this week. You put so much care into drawing an iris and did a wonderful job. Well done!

Week 2
1/2DW have settled in so well to Term 2.
This week our Students of the Week are:
Emily A - You are such an amazing helper and have demonstrated kindness and honesty consistently to everyone in 1/2DW. These are beautiful qualities, well done!
Zack - You are so enthusiastic about all that we do in 1/2DW and we can see how well you are listening in class. Fantastic job!
Lachlan - You have been making some great choices this week and we are proud of how hard you have been trying. Well done.

Term 2 Week 1
Eliana- Great work in your holiday recount. We love the way you use punctuation and you're doing a great job in spelling some hard words. Well done.
Luca- You worked so well in EEKK this week. We love listening to you read and try to stretch out the sounds in difficult words.

Week 10
1/2DW we are so proud of how hard you have worked all term.
This week our Students of the Week are:
Emily T- Great job in reading this week. You have been trying so hard and we're proud of you. Your recount about your holiday was fantastic.
Mohit- You have been trying so hard in Maths. Well done.
Charlotte- Thank you for trying so hard in Writing this term. Your recounts have been great.
Sian- Thank you for the way you help others in the classroom. We love how well you listen and contribute in classroom discussions too!
Jye- Your narrative about the coyote and the roadrunner was really interesting. Good job!

Week 9
Students of the Week for this week are:
Keeley - consistently putting 100% effort into all activities. You are working so hard! Well done!
Kieran - We love how you are always contributing to class discussions. Fantastic effort!
Katarina - You have done some fantastic work with graphs in Maths this week. Well done!

Week 8
This week our Students of the Week are:
Mikinley- Thank you for being so helpful to your teachers and friends in the classroom and the playground. You are always encouraging and helping others.
Luca- Well done on a fantastic effort in your 'Lonely Spider' narrative. You remembered the story in great detail and tried really hard to spell some difficult words.
Logan- We are so proud of how hard you have been trying in Writing. It is so great to see you trying to write new words in your stories by stretching out the sounds.

Week 7
This week our Students of the Week are:
Vishal - Your willingness to participate in all activities is excellent. You have made us smile!
Zack - You have been so kind and helpful to your peers this week. You are a terrific friend!

Week 6
This week our Students of the Week are
Ariana- For her fantastic attitude and friendly nature.
Shayden- For a great effort in Word Work activities.
We are very proud of you both.

Week 5
Harrison: You have been trying so hard in your work and behaviour in class and we are very proud.
Nathanael: You are such a clever boy! We love how hard you have been working in Writing. Well done

Week 4
Maxwell for having a fantastic attitude toward all of his work. You make us smile!
Eliza for working hard to present her work so beautifully. It is a pleasure to mark your work!

Week 3
Sienna for her fantastic work in writing.
Joshua for his wonderful work in Maths


  1. well done harrison and nathaniel for being students of the week,we are so proud of the great job you are doing.keep up the good work.harrison and his brother noah are so excited they feed the fish at the bottom of the blog page.from the walkers

  2. K Rose

    Congratulations to our little students of the week. They all work very hard and have a heap of fun while doing so.

    Thank you to our fabulous teachers for making them feel special.

  3. Dear Mrs Rose,
    Thank you so much for your encouraging comments. 1/2DW sure are a wonderful class!
    Mrs Downes

  4. N Williams

    Congratulations to all of the students of the week! I am sending you all a virtual high five! Well Done!

    We are all so proud of the hard work you put in. Keep it up kids!!!

    1. Dear Mrs Williams,
      Thank you for commenting on our blog. (Vishal)
      Thank you for writing all of those nice things. (Ariana)
      You're the best! (Eliana)
      I love you. (Lachlan)

      I hope you have a nice day today. (Keeley & Katarina)
      It is so nice that you commented on our blog. (Zack)
      Keep on commenting! (Sienna)
      What is your favourite book? (Charlotte)

      Are you having a good time at work? (Luca)

      We love reading your comments. Thanks so much.

      Mrs Downes and 1/2DW

    2. Hi kids!

      Thank you for all of your lovely comments and questions!

      I had a lovely day at work today, thank you :-)

      I dont have one fvourite book, I have many!!! One of my favourite books is called Wicked. Luca can tell you a bit about it as she went to see the stage production and absolutely loved it!!

      I hope you all enjoy reading as much as I do!

  5. Congrats to 1/2DW students of the week you all very's almost end of term 1 wow! Keep working hard and enjoy your break to come...Pat Khatri

  6. well done emily -t you must have worked very hard

  7. Well done ! it looks like you did some good work

  8. If you are student of the week well done to you because it means you are very special!!!
    Xanthe And Gaelle

  9. Dear Xanthe and Gaelle,

    You're very kind for writing on our blog. (Sian)

    I really like you commenting on our blog, it's wonderful. (Luca)

  10. Well done Charlotte, Sian and Sienna for student of the week. Week five.

    from Sian.

  11. Dear Sian,
    Thanks so much for writing a comment.
    You are three wonderful girls and you all deserve to be student of the week!
    Mrs Downes

  12. Congratulations Emily and Mikinley. Well done girls. Mrs Turner

  13. Dear Mrs Turner,
    Thank you for commenting on our blog. Are you proud of your beautiful daughter? (Emily T)
    Are you at work now? (Harrison)

  14. your star of the week looks fun we have something like that .

    Henry B



  15. We really liked your background. How did you get it?

    Best wishes Esther & Germany xx

  16. Well done students of the week. How many students of the week are thair all together.It was lovely bloging with all of you

    from Amani & Leah

  17. Hi 1/2DW
    Im Isaac S from MACC good job winners you are asome to get them awards is hard work you must concotrate alot to learn about it have fun.
    From Isaac S
