Wednesday, June 13, 2012


Today we has a great lesson in Science. We even evaluated the lesson afterwards. We are so clever here in 1/2DW!
Science lesson Magnets 13.6.12
‘what went well’
That we could make the magnets dance.
That we could collect things with the magnets.
When we spill things that are attracted to magnets that we could pick them up using a magnet.
That we could use all kind of magnets and fun with them.
That we learnt that a force can connect to another force.
That the magnet could make something move and lift it up.
That we watched SKWIRK and it was really cool.
‘even better if’
If we could use not the small magnets but even bigger.
There were enough of each magnet for everyone.
If the magnets had colours.


  1. Dear 1/2DW,

    How did you get the magnetic to dance around on the desk? I really enjoyed learning about magnetic. Did you enjoyed the science lesson on magnetic as well as I did?

    From Nathanael.

    1. Dear Nathanael,
      Did you have fun time commenting on our blog? (Keeley)

      Nathanael, you are so talented. (Ariana)

      Nathanael, I think you have improved in your writing. (Kieran)
