Thursday, November 1, 2012

Going shopping

Today we went shopping. Armed with the canteen list and paper money we chose items from the canteen we would like to buy. We then cut out and pasted the exact money in paper coins to pay for the item.
Some of us bought the most expensive items on the list whilst others indulged their sweet tooth by choosing oodles of lollies.
While we didn't get to actually buy the items on our list, it was still fun learning about money and how to make different amounts using a variety of coins.


  1. To 1/2DW,
    You must of had a great time going shopping in the classroom.What did you buy?
    From Natalia

  2. What a fantastic idea! I'm glad you had fun 12dw! Keep up the great work. :)
    Mrs Fredericks (Eliana's mum)
