Tuesday, October 16, 2012


This term 1/2DW are looking at Expositions, which are texts that aim to persuade. This might sound very advanced for year one and two students, but they're pretty clever!

Today we looked at advertising.
In advertisements, the companies use very persuasive words to help sell their product. We realised that they want us to buy what they are selling and that they're trying to persuade us to do so!

We watched a few ads, took some notes on the language they used and then made our own ads in the form of posters.

What do you think?
What kind of words are use in advertisements? (Eg. Buy it now!)


  1. Hi 1/2dw,
    wow that looked like lots of fun i wish i was doing that with you and all of you had fantastic drawings and beuatiful writing you right even better than me.

    From Skyelar :)

  2. Hello 1/2DW,

    I was very impressed when I saw how hard you all worked on your advertisements. I wasn't quite able to read the ads in the photos but I could see how good they looked. Well done. :)

    Teacher (retired), N.S.W., Australia
