Today 1/2DW read a great description. We then had to draw it. We have learnt that Descriptions use lots of adjectives which are describing words.
This character’s name is Puck-Wudgie. It has a fat head, big bulgy eyes with long eyelashes, a pig-like nose, and a wide mouth with a big silly grin. On its enormous ears it has long dangling earrings with frills. Its hair and neck are both long. It has a round stomach with a little belly button, four stubby arms and two stubby legs. It loves to dance all night to punk music.

We then tried to write a short description of a character from a book. He is a dog named Sonny.
Sonny is a big shaggy black dog. He lives with his owner Sandy. Sonny likes to chase cats and he likes men.
Sonny chases cats too far which upsets his owner, Sandy. He is a good dog.
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