Extra Homework

Term 4

Weeks 4-6

Year 1- Write out your 2 times tables and say them to an adult or older brother or sister.
Year 2- Write out your 5 times tables and say them to an adult or older brother or sister.

Write a for and against list for the following statement. Include three statements for each.

Students should not have to wear a uniform at school.
In HSIE we are looking at Celebrations. Write half a page anout your favourite celebration. Draw a picture to go with it.

Weeks 1-3
Year 1- Count by 2 's starting from 24 and going up to 120
Year 2- Write out your 2 times tables and say them to an adult or older brother or sister.
Draw a picture and include some everyday objects that are cube, cylinder, pyramid, sphere and cone shaped.

We have been looking at Expositions this term. They are texts that aim to persuade an audience.
We've been looking at advertisements. Make an advertisement about a toy.

We have been looking at Water in Science. Draw 4 places around your house that have water.

Term 3

Weeks 6-8 Term 3

Year 1- Count by 5 's starting from 20 and going up to 110
Year 2- Write out your 5 times tables and say them to an adult or older borther or sister.
Draw a picture and include some everyday objects that are cube, cylinder, pyramid, sphere and cone shaped.

We have been looking at descriptions and the use of adjectives. Rewrite these sentences and include at least one adjective.

1. The boy walked his dog.
2. I saw a cat in the park.
3. My brother took the toy off me.
4. I want to buy a toy at the shops.

We have been looking at clouds in Science. Draw the clouds in the sky one day this week. Do you know what type of clouds they are?

Write a letter to any teacher at school.

These activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 3-5 Term 3

Comment on our blog.
Year 1- Count by 2's starting from 12 and going up to 40
Year 2-Count by 2's starting at 40 and going up to 80
Draw a picture of any of the rooms in your house and find the vertical, horizontal or diagonal lines.

Write down a sentence and draw a picture of what you do at 6:30pm at night. Can you draw a clock with this time on it?

We have been talking about our favourite seasons. Which season is your favourite? Why?

Write a letter to any teacher at school.

These activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 9-10 Term 2
Comment on our blog. Look at any of the blogs we are QUADBLOGGING with an comment on their blog.

Year 1- Count by 5's starting from 25 and going up to 80
Year 2-Count by 5's starting at 55 and going up to 110

Write a few sentences about gravity and explain what it is to your family. Draw a picture of what your house might look like without gravity.

These activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 6-8 Term 2
Comment on our blog. Look at any of the blogs we are QUADBLOGGING with an comment on their blog.

Year 1- Count by 10's starting from 30 and going up to 150

Year 2-Count by 10's starting at 35 and going up to 155
Do 3 jobs around the house this week and write down what you did.
Write a recount about the long weekend.
These activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 4-5 Term 2
Comment on our blog. Look at any of the blogs we are QUADBLOGGING with an comment on their blog.

Year 1- Count by 10's to 100
Year 2-Write out your 10 times tables to 100.

Keep an exercise diary and write how many times you exercise during the week.

Write a recount about something special you did this week.

These activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 2 Term 2

Comment on our blog. Look at any of the blogs we are QUADBLOGGING with an comment on their blog.

Year 1- Count by 2's to 24
Year 2-Write out your 2 times tables to 12.

Write a procedure based on something you know how to do.

Eg. How to Play Soccer.

These activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 7
* Look at the blog and make a comment.

* Write 2-3 sentences about yourself and type them out.
eg. My name is Mrs Downes
I like the colour green.
I have 5 people in my family.

(Year 2 can write 4-5 sentences if they like.)

* Year 1- Count by 2's to 24
   Year 2-Write out your 2 times tables to 12.

* Make a poster and write your name in the middle. Draw pictures of things you like or cut/print out pictures of things you like.

These are activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 8

Homework Sheet

* Look at any  the blog and make a comment.

* Write out the memory verse we have been learning in Junior School Church Time and STACKS
* Year 1- Count by 5's to 50  
   Year 2-Write out your 5 times tables to 10.

* HSIE People Who Help Us
Year 1- Draw 3 people who help you. (Mum, Dad, Teachers, Postman)
Year 2- Draw 3 people who help you. (Mum, Dad, Teachers, Postman) Write a sentence about how they help you.
These are activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 9

Homework Sheet


SCIENCE-Life cycles
* On the computer go to http://www.flashclassroom.com/docs/flash/79_butterfly_emma.swf
and complete the activities about the life cycle of a butterfly.

* Year 1 Draw the life cycle of a butterfly.
   Year 2-Draw the life cycle a butterfly or another animal or plant.

* Year 1- Count by 10's to 100
* Year 2- Write out your 10 times tables.

* Write a recount about an event that happened at school or home this week. Don't forget to include
Orientation (Who? What? When? Where? Why?)
Sequence of Events (First-Then-Next-Last)
Conclusion (How did you feel? Why?)

* Go on the blog and look for the QUADBLOGGING link. Comment on a blog from one of our quadblogging schools.

These are activities are OPTIONAL. You can choose any of the tasks or all of them.

Week 10
Homework Sheet
What are you going to do in the holidays?
Write about it and draw a picture.

* Year 1- Count by 5's to 50
* Year 2- Write out your 5 times tables.

* Go on the blog and look for the QUADBLOGGING link. Comment on a blog from one of our quadblogging schools.


  1. my name is keeley. i like to dance and to pat my dogs. i have 2 wobbly teeth.

  2. Hi Keeley,
    Thanks for commenting on the blog. How many dogs do you have? What are their names?
    Have you lost any of your teeth yet or are these your first wobbly ones?

    I hope you're having a great weekend.
    Mrs Downes

    1. Hi Mrs Downes,we have 3 dogs and their names are Teacup,Pixie and Flossy.Last night my first tooth fell out and I got $5 dollars from the tooth fairy.

  3. Dear Mrs Downs
    My favourite colour is black
    My favourite game is wwe raw
    My best subject in school is english
    From shayden singh

    1. Dear Shayden,

      Thanks for commenting on our blog!

      Why did you write on our blog? (Lachlan)
      Thank you for writing on our blog Shayden. (Keeley)
      How much extra homework did you do? (Harrison)

      Why are you so handsome? (Vishal)
      Do you do your homework? (Eliana)
      I hope you're having a good time! (Kaitlyn)
      You're my best friend. (Mohit)

  4. My name is Sian.
    My favourite thing is doing tricks like handstands and cartwheels.
    My favourite colour is purple.
    I love going to school.

  5. we are 2 students in holly ClaSS aNd WE liVE in London.

  6. you must be really clever with exeter homework(wich is good)

  7. Hi we are Amani and Josh. Thanks for telling us how to be better quadbloggers. from Amani and Josh

  8. Dear Amani and Josh,
    Thank you for commenting on our blog. (Vishal)
    Thank you for commenting on our blog. You're really wonderful. (Keeley)

  9. Wow! you should have lots of homework to do.

    from krystal

  10. Is your home work this week what is homework or something like that.

    from Amy

  11. Hi Mrs Downs and Mrs Warrds and 1/2DW,
    Im Isaac S and I'm in year 4. good work to award winning people. When I was in year 2 I had Mrs downs and Mrs pack she left the school in 2010. You year 1 and 2 must have fun all the time.
    bye from Isaac S.
