Monday, April 23, 2012

Welcome Back!

We had a great first day back! The students were so excited to share what they did in their holidays. Mrs Downes even told some news about her trip to the Gold Coast!

In Church time someone from Operation Christmas Child came to share how we can bless children who live in poverty and give them hope.

We sang the times tables songs and used a number line to subtract.

Later we talked about ANZAC Day and how special it is.

This is going to be a great term!


  1. I like singing I sing evrywere from Herbie and Morgan.

  2. It must be very exiting to be back at school. hope your having a lovley time. E.Knowles H.Pygott

  3. To E. Knowles and H. Pygott,

    Thanks for commenting on our blog. I am not excited about being back at school because I don't get to spend as much time with my family. (Lachlan)

    I don't want to be back at school because I want to stay at home all day and play the Wii and my DS. (Zack)

  4. Dear Herbie and Morgan,

    I like singing. I like singing the two times tables. (Eliana)

    We like singing because we like singing the two times tables and we are learning about more times tables. (Emily A)

  5. nice blog i like singing so much on time tabes toons

  6. We like your pictures it looks fun.From Max and Max
