Friday, March 23, 2012

All about food

Today we had another guest speaker come into 1/2DW to tell us about their roles and responsibilities at work. Mrs Smith is a mum of one of our students and is also a Diabetes Dietitian. She taught us about what a dietitian does and about diabetes. We learned about what is in our blood by making our own out of water and red food colouring. We then added sugar and oil because our blood has sugar and fat in it. Mrs Smith taught us about what people with diabetes can eat and what they need to be careful with.
Mrs Smith works at Liverpool hospital. (Vishal)
Mrs Smith tells people to eat healthy food. (Sienna)
Her role is a Diabetes Dietitian. (Zack).
A diet is the food we eat. (Sian)
We have to eat healthy foods like vegetables and fruit. (Keeley)
We should always have two fruits and five vegetables every day. (Mikinley)
Your heart helps your blood go all around your body. (Mohit and Katarina).
There is sugar and fat in our blood. (Ariana)
When we made our own blood, we first put in water. (Kaitlyn)
We talked about diabetes and that people with diabetes need to be careful with sugar. (Lachlan)
People with diabetes need to be careful about eating sugar and fats. (Harrison)
People with diabetes can’t eat a lot of rice. (Shayden)
 People with diabetes need to be careful about eating bread. (Kieran)

People with diabetes check their sugar with a blood test. (Eliana)

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