Friday, March 30, 2012


Yesterday we had another special visitor to 1/2DW. Mr Ewin, one of our students' dads, came to talk to us about his job.
Mr Ewin works with forklifts (Sienna). He spends lots of time in meetings and checks that everyone is doing the right job. (Shayden). Mr Ewin likes doing his jobs (Maxwell). He is the manager of his work (Keeley). That means he is the boss! (Ariana).
He sells forklifts (Zack) and he has a lot of forklifts (Katarina). Mr Ewin does his work (Vishal) and he goes on aeroplanes to go to special meetings (Sian). He has lots of forklifts coming into his work (Mikinley). He has lots of papers on his desk (Kieran).
Mr Ewin taught us that forklifts carry lots of boxes (Luca). Food is in the boxes (Kaitlyn). Some forklifts can lift up 2 or 3 cars (Nathanael).
Mr Ewin brought in toy forklifts (Emily A). Everyone had a turn playing with them (Mrs Wadds). Zack broke some of the forklifts (Harrison). Mr Ewin had a laugh about that in our classroom.
Mr Ewin gave us all hats, cold drink holders and keyrings (Emily T). Thank you for letting us have a turn of the toy forklifts (Joshua) Thank you for giving us those things. (Katarina, 1/2DW and Mrs Wadds)
Mr Ewin, which is your favourite forklift? (Eliana)


  1. Thank you Thank you Thank you. I have been after one of these for a while. Georgina Turner

  2. Thank you 1/2DW for letting me come into your class. I am glad that you liked the forklifts I brought in for you. Mine and Zack's favourite forklift is the big Remote Control one.
    thanks again... Scott... (Zacks Dad)

  3. Its great that people like Scott come into schools and talk to the pupils above their jobs. It looks like the children had a fantastic time playing with the toy forklift model :)
