Monday, March 12, 2012

Our First Junior Church Time

Today Junior School had their first Church Time all by themselves! We had some Senior School students help by singing, playing the guitars and drumming. (Nathanael)
At Church the Worship Group helped the band sound beautiful. (Keeley)
Some crazy characters Polly and Molly came to tell us about the groups and they told us the bible verse. (Harrison & Vishal)
Mrs Downes read us a story about Jesus on the boat. The men were scared. (Eliana)
A girl called Jas sang to us in a beautiful voice. (Lachlan)
I liked the songs. (Logan)

Mrs Downes read us a story about Jesus calming the wind and the waves

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


  1. K Rose

    Its lovely to hear that the kids are embracing church time and seeing it as something fun.

  2. Thanks Mrs Rose,
    We had a great time and learnt about why we don't need to be scared.

    We can't wait for next week when we'll be starting STACKS.
    Mrs Downes
