Mr Hibbard looks after the money at our school. (Lachlan)
He made sure we could get a new hall. (Harrison)
He makes sure the teachers get paid. (Sienna)
When people go on excursions he makes sure the buses come. (Eliza)
He makes sure the teachers get paid. (Sienna)
When people go on excursions he makes sure the buses come. (Eliza)
He makes sure that when it is wet the front and back ovals will be closed off. (Mikinley)
Mr Hibbard cleans up his papers in his office. (Eliana)
Mr Hibbard uses iPads. (Kieran)
He makes sure the lights and electricity works at school. (Sian)
He looks after the teachers. (Mohit)Mr Hibbard makes sure all the teachers have computers. (Zack)
Mr Hibbard looks after the school so that nothing bad happens. (Luca)
He loves his office and likes going in there in the morning. (Kaitlyn)
Mr Hibbard uses iPads. (Kieran)
He makes sure the lights and electricity works at school. (Sian)
He looks after the teachers. (Mohit)Mr Hibbard makes sure all the teachers have computers. (Zack)
Mr Hibbard looks after the school so that nothing bad happens. (Luca)
He loves his office and likes going in there in the morning. (Kaitlyn)
Mr Hibbard likes his iPad, iPhone and MacBook because it helps him do work. (Shayden)
Mr Hibbard doesn’t like getting locked in his office because he likes to watch the children play. (Charlotte)
He likes using sticky notes. (Maxwell)
Mr Hibbard uses Maths and English in his job. He does lots of counting with his calculator. (EmilyT)
He went to Sydney University. (Nathanael)
Mr Hibbard doesn’t like getting locked in his office because he likes to watch the children play. (Charlotte)
He likes using sticky notes. (Maxwell)
Mr Hibbard uses Maths and English in his job. He does lots of counting with his calculator. (EmilyT)
He went to Sydney University. (Nathanael)
Mr Hibbard works with computers. (Joshua)
He likes being outside. (Ariana)
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