Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Living Things

Today Sian brought in some exciting news. Her mum and brother came in to the class in the afternoon with their puppy, named Lulu. The classed loved her!


  1. Sian your puppy is so cute! Lulu is a wonderful name for her. I'm sure she will get bigger very quickly. What a wonderful treat for all of 1/2DW to have her visit!
    Mrs Frances

    1. Dear Mrs Frances,
      Thank you very much for commenting on 1/2DW's blog. (Shayden)
      Thank you for coming to our blog. (Eliana)
      Sian's puppy was very cute. (Keeley)

  2. Eliana was so excited about seeing Sian's puppy. She came home begging me for of a puppy of her own!
    What an amazing Blog you have 12DW! You have fantastic teachers and are learning so much!! Keep up the wonderful work!!

    1. Dear Mrs Fredericks,
      Sian's puppy was very cute. (Vishal)
      What part of the puppy do you like? (Harrison)
      Thank you for writing lots of things on 1/2DW's blog. (Ariana)
      Can I get a dog? (Eliana)
