Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Student of the week

Each week we will be putting the names of our students of the week on the blog. This will be replacing the names in newsletter.
This week our students of the week are:
Sienna for her fantastic work in writing.
Joshua for his wonderful work in Maths.
We are very proud of you both.


  1. Hello Class 1/2DW,

    I already visit blogs for people who have been special in class. There are so many wonderful students out there.

    I hope at another time I can drop in and see who the Student of the Week is.

    Teacher, NSW, Australia

  2. Dear Mr Mannell,
    Thank you for writing on our blog. We hope you are having a good time in Western Australia. (Lachlan)
    Thank you for going on our blog. (Kieran)
    Thank you for writing on our blog. (Keeley)
    Thank you for looking at our blog. (Sienna)

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