Wednesday, February 29, 2012

PE on a rainy day

Today it was raining but Stage 1 still did sport. We have a fantastic Multi Purpose Hall to use. It even has a microphone for the teachers to use! We played lots of games and got plenty of exercise.

1 comment:

  1. Wow 1/2DW! It looks and sounds like you had a great time doing PE in the new MPH! Way to go! I just wanted to stop by your blog and say hi but also let you know that I've put a blog post up over on my blog about your songs in Music and there's even a couple of special people from your class who've been mentioned as fantastic song leaders!! Hmmmmm I wonder who they might be? You'll have to click the link to see... Meanwhile, keep up the great work, you are such a beautiful class. I can't wait for our Music and PDH/Drama learning sessions next week. See you then!
    Here's the link:
    Miss Oddy :)
